Thursday 8 April 2010

Down the line...

Geez, people starting to think that maybe I am not into this blogging thing as much as I should be? I mean, it has been a while since my last entry. Any who, here it is.

Easter holidays... Let the revision commence, on top of that I have been working a lot too. so, this holiday has been pretty uneventful so far, there has been a few outings and I've been surfing once; don't think I'll go again for a little while though. Nothing has really kicked off until last night when me and a few mates went to a party in Lanner, I swear that everybody was drunk except me, as I was driving. Still, quite a funny night though until around 3AM when I gave this girl a lift home and she was absolutely off her face!
In fact, I accidentally ran over her foot as I didn't know she had left my car, it didn't end there, we had a wild goose chase around Redruth as she legged it in a drunken state. A few hours It finally ended.

Let the Easter holidays continue and let the good times roll, c'monnn!

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Sunglasses, shorts and smiles.


So, here we are again, it's the dawn of spring and Easter is right around the corner, everybody is starting to cheer up as the bleak winter season is now over. Sunglasses, shorts and smiles are all around at the moment; and, for the most part I am sharing the generic mind set of everybody else I know, although, I can't help but feel kind of troubled at the moment because as well Easter sitting on the horizon as is revision for the dreaded A2 examinations. But, enough about that yeah?

I started this month with high hopes and in a good state of mind but that has changed, though, not rapidly. The release of Final Fantasy 13 on the 9th March obviously saw my social life in quite rapid decline; while my friends went out to nightclubs, bars etc, and generally got into high spirits I was at home just gaming away, now, I am not complaining as it was my choice to enjoy virtual reality opposed to reality. I am currently deprived of sleep due to this game but it was my choice to make that sacrifice.

So, that has pretty much been my March until yesterday (16th), When I decided to go out with my friends for a few drinks at the Blue Bar in Porthtowan, this was bound to lift my spirits and besides, my friends deserved my company! Obviously the quick stop at the golden arches was necessary. Marcus (Shark Attack) was the designated driver so, a little race was inevitable, we must have been tailgating this guy for a good couple of miles on unpredictable Cornish roads, it is safe to say that we were all on edge. We eventually arrived at Blue Bar (all alive and well thank goodness), and the drinking commenced as did the conversations. Some great ideas were reached and we'll see if they pan out over the next couple of weeks.

The night was nearing its end so we all ventured back to the car, again, conversations were rife, this time about me and my current relationship situation, the conversations didn't resolve a thing, I sent some stupid texts. Believe me when i say there is no point blogging this just yet because i don't know what is going on. All I know is that we are taking it slowly.

This month of March has been greatly plain for the most part but we still have a few more weeks until April, We'll see if my life gathers a bit of momentum which could generate some more interesting entries.

* This is my first blog entry and I'll update as often as possible, probably weekly or fortnightly.